Shabdh Yog (Free)

1st Saturday of every month (8:00 am to 9:00 am CST)  |  Online Session on Zoom

Zoom link for Session:

Stress, anxiety and depression are some of the leading causes of mental pressure in Senior Citizens. India House is proud to present Empowerment through Shabdh Yog – a free spiritual discourse & meditation session designed to help you find inner peace and tranquility. The webinar  “promises to detoxify” you from the burdens of stress, fear, anxiety, and leave you with the sense of happiness, healing, and peace within. Learn the true meaning of life.
Saddguru Shri is a spiritual guru & a scholar in “Shabdh Yog” (A sadhna for reaching our eternal spiritual home by listening and seeing Cosmic Sounds). SaddguruShri is a master in unified transcendental cosmic sounds, believed by all faiths.
You can join the session using a laptop, tablet or smart phone. When using a smart phone or tablet please ensure you have installed the Zoom Cloud Meetings App from Apple Store or Google Play Store in advance. We look forward to making this an enriching experience for you!

Disclaimer: India House is not liable for any opinion and advise given during the session

Please click here to view the recordings of the webinar on YouTube